iPhone X-B2BAd Salon-mockup-v2.jpg

MINDBODY B2B Ad Campaign 2019


Every year MINDBODY refreshes their B2B ad campaign. For 2019 I wanted to do a campaign without any software devices. And I wanted the visuals to be bright, colorful, and vivid. I also believe in the power of metaphor with advertising. Plain speech and stock images usually never respect the creative idea we want to communicate. It may get the point across but you risk being ignorable. Also, since our lives have become increasingly digitized our attention spans have shortened. According to Microsoft the average human loses concentration after 8 seconds. The goal was to create a visually striking ad campaign that would make you stop and take a look.

My idea was to drive a message about “standing out from the crowd” when you partner with MINDBODY. I wanted the images and copy to be simple and beautiful with plenty of contrast. Too often ads are cluttered with too much copy and several images and screen shots competing for our attention. Ads are first impressions. And just like going on a date, you don’t want to give too much away. A little mystery can keep people interested and wanting more. I picked an object that I felt represented each wellness industry and highlighted one out of many to communicate that this could be you. In a sea of competition you need to stand out, and MINDBODY can help you do that. A big thanks to copy writers Jessica Meno and Alissa Rogers.


I started with sketching out my idea for the “stand out” concept. My vision was to have a pattern of the same object in the same monochromatic color. To help reduce time in post I spray painted the objects to more naturally create a solid color overlay. It was particularly windy that day so it was a bit of a challenge to get an even coat. Once I finished painting everything it was time to shoot photos. It was fun to be a bit scrappy with the process and piece everything together. It taught me that with a few art supplies and a camera you can make your ideas come to life.

Final design

Print & Instagram Ad - Salon

Print & Instagram Ad - Salon

Animated social media ads

All four industries